

Our store offers several payment and delivery methods, so you can choose which is the most convenient for you.  We prefer using FedEx to safely deliver your purchases, but offer UPS and USPS as well.  For regulated items, such as suppressors, it is important to note that additional processing steps are needed before they can leave our shop.  Learn more from our FAQ page.

Delivery methods

Cash & carry


If you choose cash and carry method, please note that you will visit our manufacturer and pay cash for the goods you purchase.  Our shop is not open to the public, so please contact us for an appointment. Not convenient for you? Please read on to learn what other delivery methods we offer. 

Pick-up from a Licensed Dealer in your city


A Licensed Dealer can make it easy and convenient to receive your items.  Dealer interaction is required for suppressors, but optional for muzzle brakes and other non-regulated items.  Shop in our online store, then select the "Licensed Dealer" as the delivery type adding the licensed Dealer's address. The item will be delivered to the specified address within a reasonable timeframe.  

Shipment to your door


What happens when you choose shipment to the door option? Our store takes responsibility for dealing with all the tasks involved in moving goods from the manufacturing plant to the shipping vendor. 

(This option is NOT availible for regulated items.)